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Travel Pretty: #MoOnTheGo

Photo Credit: Instagram @MorganAngeliqueOwens

Hey beauties, I’m back! Did you miss me? I know you did.

There are two things I absolutely love. Traveling and Beauty. I’ve been traveling more than usual lately, typically 2-3 times a month (yes, you heard me right). My family unexpectedly lost my father November 23rd, 2022. It was life altering, shattering and heartbreaking. It truly taught me and showed me that life is short, you should live every day to the fullest. With this is mind, I started focusing on things that bring me happiness and joy. My love of travel and beauty combined does exactly that. 

I’ve traveled the world, learning about different beauty trends in other countries, visited the most amazing spas and tested out what products work better in flight, in colder climates and hotter ones. I can’t wait to share all this with you all. 

IG: @morganangeliqueowens

Morgan Angelique Owens

Multifaceted Entrepreneur, Travel + Beauty Blogger, Media Maven

Morgan is a Cincinnati-based entrepreneur who enjoys traveling the world in search of all things beauty, fashion/lifestyle to write about in her travel/beauty blog- Professional Pretty. Morgan can also be seen doing her weekly television segments on local stations. She has partnered with airlines, hotels and brands that amplify her message of, “spreading her sparkle” around the world. 

Photo Credit: Instagram @MorganAngeliqueOwens

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